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Team Entry

After carefully reading and agreeing to the regulations, please follow the steps below to register and complete the various procedures.

Flow from tentative registration to match

1. Tentative Registration

Please register once, even if your team is still considering participation.
By making a tentative registration, you will be able to check the number of teams and facilities in each region that are considering participation.
This will allow the management to consider the number of teams that can participate in each regional league, as well as the addition, deletion, or division of regional leagues, so that we can organize leagues that better meet your needs.
Thank you for your cooperation.

1.1. Add official LINE account 

Please be sure to register on the official LINE as it will be used for individual communication with the management (NOX Group Inc.).
After registering, please be sure to send us a message from LINE saying "Team Name_Registration Complete".


1.2. Team Registration

Please fill out the form with the following basic information: team name, region, category of participation, representative's name, whether the ground can be provided or not, and the cost of the ground facilities.


1.3. Facility information registration

Teams that can provide facilities will include information on secured facilities on a regular monthly shared sheet (name of facility, date, time, ground information, notes, number of teams that can participate, facility fee, etc.)


1.4. Setting up each regional league

Based on the following team and facility information registered by the management, the number of teams per league, regional league additions, deletions, and splits will be made, and all teams will be notified after setting up each regional league.

  1. Number of teams

  2. Major facilities

  3. Number of viable matches per month

2. Full Registration

Please check the details of each regional league's setup, and if your team is interested in participating, please complete the following full registration procedures.

2.1. Payment procedures

  • Facility fee: paid locally between participating teams

  • Membership fee: Per Category

    • Monthly: 1,000 yen/month

    • Lump-sum: 12,000 yen/year

  • Payment methods

    • Credit card payment: Subscription

  • Payment due: End of the previous month

  • Please click the button below to make a payment for each category.

    • Example: If a team participates in 3 categories, please make 3 payments.






3. Schedule Coordination

Once this registration has been completed, the teams providing facilities will be asked to enter the facility securing information for each date and time and for each facility every month, as shown below. All participating teams will be asked to enter their schedules, and the NOX CL coordinator will contact them to coordinate their schedules.

3.1. Monthly Facility Information entry

Enter the information on securing facilities for the Facility Provisioning Team for each date and facility using the form on the right.


3.2. Schedule entry

All participating teams must enter a "O" in their team's column on the schedule for the dates they wish to participate.

3.3. Schedule coordination and finalization

  1. Please register for the group LINE as it will also be used to coordinate the schedules of all participating teams and to communicate with them.

  2. The management (NOX Group) will coordinate the schedule and contact the representative on the group LINE with the schedule on the dedicated calendar.

  3. Once the schedule is finalized, we will publish the game schedule on our website.

​※Registration from smartphones only

4. Match

Once the schedule has been coordinated, it is time to start the league. Please take the following actions.

4.1. Match

  • Facility fees are to be paid between participating teams on the day of the match.

  • On the day of the match, the teams will work together to set up and play the match at each venue based on the confirmed match schedule.

4.2. Match result input

After all games are completed at the facility, the results of the games will be entered into the designated form by the end of the day by the team providing the facility.






4.3. Update on league results

The results of each regional league will be reflected on the website.

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