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  1. Minimum requirements for league competition (monthly, periodic): City, ward, or group (e.g., Yokohama + Kawasaki), with a minimum of three participating teams in one category, to be determined and scheduling to begin.

    1. Regional Leagues

      1. Kanagawa League

      2. Tokyo League

      3. West Tokyo League

      4. Saitama League

      5. Chiba League

    2. Champions League

  2. Method:

    1. Round-robin tournament (point system: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 0 points for a loss; ranking method: (1) points for a win, (2) points for a win between teams, (3) goal difference, (4) total number of goals scored, (5) tie ranking)

  3. Start date: April 2024 

  4. Application period: February 1~29, 2024 

  5. Period: April 1, 2024~March 31, 2025 (The schedule will be adjusted after confirming the number of participating teams per category, depending on the availability of facilities 1~3 months in advance) 

  6. Fees

    1. Affiliation fee: 1000 yen/month (per category)

      1. Payment

        1. Monthly: 1,000 yen/month

        2. Lump sum: 12,000 yen/year

      2. Payment Method

        1. Credit card payment: Subscribe

      3. Payment due: End of previous month

      4. Payment processing deadline: March 31, 2024

    2. Facility fee: Local payment among participating teams

  7. Number of teams: Minimum 3 teams and maximum 5 teams in each category 

  8. Category

    1. Adult: High school students and above (Date of birth: before 2009/04/02)

    2. U-15: 15 years old and under (Date of birth: after 2009/04/01)

    3. U-12: 12 years old and under (Date of birth: after 2012/04/01)

    4. U-10: 10 years old and under (Date of birth: after 2014/04/01)

    5. U-8: 8 years old and under (Date of birth: after 2016/04/01)

  9. Match format: 5-11 players: Number of players to be determined by the opposing team            

  10. Match Duration

    1. 11-player team: 25-minute half (5-minute halftime)

    2. 7-8 players: 10-20-minute half (5-minute halftime)  

      1. U-8: 10-minute half (5-minute halftime)

      2. U-10: 15 minute half (5 minute halftime)

      3. U-12: 20 minute half (5 minute halftime)

    3. 5-6 players: 10-minute half (5-minute halftime)

    4. The basic time is set as above however, the time and number of players can be changed by mutual agreement of the competing teams depending on the number of players in each team on the day of the event.

  11. Rules: JFA 11-man team, 8-man team rules, futsal rules            

  12. Player substitution:Free (players change by touching with a replacement player in front of the headquarters/bench-side on the Hafeline)            

  13. Ranking method

    1. Round-robin match

      1. Winning point system: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 0 points for a loss

      2. Ranking system: (1) points for a win, (2) points for a win between teams, (3) goal difference, (4) total number of goals scored, (5) tie ranking

  14. Referee: 1-3 referee system (mutual refereeing/refereeing during breaks, etc. to be decided after discussion between opposing teams on site)    

  15. Set-up: Cooperation among participating teams            

  16. Uniforms: Any, bibs are acceptable

  17. Precautions/Prohibitions

    1. Although the above basic rules and regulations are stated above, the number of players, teams, leaders, etc. can be changed on the day of the match to avoid burdening the players, teams, leaders, etc. There is no problem as long as the teams can play under the same conditions.

    2. First aid for injured players must be provided by each team.

    3. Side coaching by parents is prohibited. Please watch and give positive support.

    4. Complaints by players, coaches, and parents to referees are prohibited. Referees are human beings. They can make mistakes. Please make sure that all players understand that they are expected to follow the referee's decision, even if the decision is clearly wrong.

    5. Discriminatory language or behavior toward foreign players, parents, or officials is prohibited.

    6. Please be aware that any images or videos taken during NOX Champions League (NOX CL) activities will be used for NOX Champions League (NOX CL) advertising and promotional activities (web posting, SNS posting).

    7. For adults and U-15s, for whom extensive travel is relatively possible, only the Champions League, not the regional leagues, will be held if the number of teams in each regional league is small.

    8. Please note that if there are no desired categories to be held in the neighboring areas, we may request participation in other regional leagues.

    9. The Champions League will be held in multiple regions throughout the three-month period, based on the availability of facilities.

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